
experiential data中文什么意思

发音:   用"experiential data"造句
  • 经验数据
  • experiential:    adj. 经验(上)的,由经验得到的,来自经验的,从经验 ...
  • data:    n. 1.资料,材料〔此词系 datum 的复数。但 d ...
  • experiential:    adj. 经验(上)的,由经验得到的,来自经验的,从经验出发的。 experiential philosophy 经验哲学。 n. -ism 经验主义。 n. -ist 经验主义者。 adv. -ly
  • experiential field:    经验场
  • experiential flow:    经验累积流
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  1. Classification can be regarded as a learning problem from experiential data
  2. Classification is to predict the class label of unknown data with supervisor obtained from experiential data , which is a basic problem in pattern recognitionx machine learning and statistics , as well as in data mining
  3. To testify ae ' s prediction function , we use the acoustic emission in a great deal of fatigue experiments , and have attained experiential data which can be included in the ae features database . the building of ae features database is investigated
  4. In terms of the innovative idea of “ fully wrapped joining ” and the status in quo of recent research on the joining techniques of ceramics and metals , an inverse - wedge - shaped ceramic insert was designed with such strong points as saving material , low cost , reliable joint and easy to manufacture , and some experiential data about it were provided accordingly



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  7. experiential flow 什么意思
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